In a momentous diplomatic development, President Ranil Wickremesinghe engaged in extensive discussions with a diverse delegation that represented both the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and distinguished Buddhist monks. This pivotal meeting unfolded at a critical juncture, coinciding with the formal presentation of the Joint Himalayan Declaration to the President.
The Joint Himalayan Declaration, a collaborative endeavor between the Global Tamil Forum and the Buddhist delegation, advocates for a pluralistic Sri Lanka committed to actively promoting the well-being of all its communities. The declaration places a strong emphasis on learning from the nation’s historical missteps and underscores the imperative to implement measures that ensure accountability.
The joint delegation featured highly esteemed Buddhist monks, each playing a significant role in shaping the discourse. Notable members included Ven. Dr. Madampagama Assaji Tissa Thero, Anu Nayaka of Ambagahapitiya Chapter, Amarapura Nikya; Ven. Siyambalagaswewa Wimalasara Thero, Chief Sanganayaka of Northern & Eastern Provinces, Malwatta Chapter of Siam Nikaya; Ven. Kithalagama Hemasara Nayaka Thero, General Secretary, Siri Dharmarakshitha Chapter, and Chief Sanga Nayaka of Western Province; Ven. Prof. Pallekande Rathnasara Thero, Acting Mahanayaka of Vajirawansa Chapter of Amarapura Nikaya; Ven. Kalupahana Piyaratana Thero, Former Member of SL Human Rights Council 2023, Chairperson of Human Development Edification Centre; Ven. Narampanawe Dhammaloka Thero, Chief Sanganayaka of Pathathumbara of Central Province, Asgiriya Chapter of Siam Nikaya; and Ven. Wadduwe Dhammawansa Thero, Deputy General Secretary, Ramagngna Nikaya.
Additionally, the delegation boasted international representatives, such as Suren Surendiran (UK), Dr. Kannappar Mukunthan (Australia), Bhavan Bhavaguhan (UK), Prakash Rajasundram (Australia), Velupillai Kuhanendran (UK), Raj Thavaratnasingham (Canada), and Dr. Elias Joseph Jeyarajah (USA).
The formal handover of the Joint Himalayan Declaration symbolizes a momentous stride towards fostering dialogue and collaboration for a harmonious and inclusive Sri Lanka. President Wickremesinghe expressed sincere appreciation for the initiative and committed to thoroughly considering the recommendations outlined in the declaration. This diplomatic discourse not only reflects a shared commitment to national reconciliation but also establishes a foundation for sustained progress in the future.

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